Explaining Hexadecimal numbering system

This post is actually from quite a long time ago but I never got around to update it and I don’t remember what I wanted to convey with this blog post.


In the past I had quite some difficulty with the different number systems. You will definitely get in touch with Binary and Hexadecimal systems if you continue along the road of programming therefore I really wanted to make a simple blog post about how exactly the Hexadecimal number numer system works.

First up let’s look at the meaning of the name: Decimal is the word we use for our regular number system which goes up to 10. Hex might sound familair from Hexagon which is a shape with 6 equal sides. So if you put these parts together you have a number system that goes up to 16.

The first 10 numbers are the same as our regular number system e.g. (0-9) and after it reaches 10 it continues with letters e.g. (a – 10, b – 11, c – 12, d – 13, e – 14, f – 15).

A common usage of hexadecimal numbers is in color codes because 16 times 16 = 256 and simple color systems use 3 sets of 256 shades(red, green & blue).

Therefore the Hexadecimal system might look confusing because it uses letters but in the end it is not that difficult!

Posted in Programming.

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